Saturday, December 16, 2006

400+ Organizations Oppose Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act

DECEMBER 15, 2006
12:45 PM

CONTACT: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Josh Ruebner, Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator, (office) 202-332-0994, (cell) 202-423-7666,

400+ Organizations Oppose Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act

WASHINGTON - December 15 - The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation sent today to the National Security Council a petition signed by more than 400 US-based organizations opposed to the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.

The Senate version of the legislation (S.2370) was passed by the House on December 7, paving the way for the President to sign into law draconian economic and diplomatic sanctions against the Palestinian people for exercising their right to vote in legislative elections held earlier this year.

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is calling upon the President to veto the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act.

Josh Ruebner, Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, stated that "signing the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act into law is both unnecessary and provocative. The President already has a myriad of sanctions on the books which prevent US funds from going to Hamas or the Palestinian Authority. By adding restrictions on humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people for exercising their right to vote, the President would only undermine further his claim of promoting democracy. People should not be sanctioned for voting."

A complete listing of the more than 400 organizations opposing the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act can be found by clicking here.

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