Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The crucifixtion of 'angel' Gabriele by the 'left' legions of Imperialism

Posted by Kola on December 30, 2006, 4:01 pm
User logged in as: Kola Odetola

Gabriel is being crucified on the board for daring to expose the hypocrisy of the ‘left imperialists’ airy fairy liberal humanitarians who are united with the right in seeing dark skinned people in the third world as being child like and helpless thus needing western tutelage. The only difference of course being that the left wing international child minders don’t believe in spanking
They seek to hide behind the idea that justice has been done to Saddam First on Saddam’s guilt. That he was a tyrant there is no doubt but how brutal was he really the left and right agree without a shred of evidence that Saddam killed ‘hundreds of thousands. But the western occupation of Iraq four years on has not been able to uncover more than 10,000 bodies. Of these many are dead Iranian soldiers who were killed in the Iran Iraq war.

Check the website of the foreign office if you don’t believe. If he ruled by terror and fear alone, like Stalin, why did he allow all Iraqi’s to own and carry weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket launchers and in some cases mortars and small artillery pieces. Even in the Shia heartland the mainly anti saddam inhabitants were all legally allowed to carry arms. It is this fact more than anything, the widespread knowledge of how to use arms and their easy availability that has proved so vital in the potency of the insurgency and the ease with which the Shia’s formed powerful militias after the occupation started.

The left imperialists like those on the right hide under the banner of concern for the Iraq people in hailing Saddam’s trial. But the present Iraqi puppet Government rules through the use of death squads which the occupation permits to operate. These death squads were formed with the aim of crushing Sunni resistance to Anglo-American rule. Unlike saddam who mainly killed the politically active, these death squads deliberately slaughter the innocent, burn them with acid, drill electric holes in their skulls while still alive and then dump their bodies on the street as a warning to others who support the resistance. Over the last year thousands of sunis have been killed by the Iraqi Government who have now killed the countries former leader for crimes against humanity.

These death squads the left wing neo colonialists, including many on this board, collaborate with the mainstream media in calling sectarian murders to further muddy the waters and disguise the role of the occupation in what is a clear attempt to break the Sunni (the most uncompromising anti occupation community in Iraq) by terrorising them into submission.

While they try to conceal their duplicity by rhetorically calling for ‘our own leaders’ to be brought to trial, in reality it is lip service as they would never accept foreign rule by an invading army for this to happen. By calling for our ‘own leaders’. to be tried, something they know very well will never happen (since the west rules) they have an excuse to meddle in the affairs of poorer nations who are not in a position to flout international law with impunity.

Left wing imperialism is an increasingly powerful tool of control by the west in its endless struggle to enslave and dominate the rest of the world. It is backed by a multibillion dollar NGO industry and thousands of adherents in many ways more skilled, more determined and just as mendacious and duplicitous as the most powerful western armies.

They fear any idea that does not originate in the west and thus remains outside their control to manipulate and dominate, it is this not their deep love for women’s rights that informs their hostility to Islam, which inspire of its obvious drawbacks remains perhaps the most powerful social movement ever to have arisen in human history without, unlike Marxism and anarchism, any input or influence from the west, (either its conservative, liberal or radical thinkers)

The trial and judicial murder of Saddam was not aimed at providing his victims justice, it was aimed sending a message to every dark skinned person living in the third world – ‘we are superior, you are inferior, accept your status, even if you want to fight for your rights, let us do it for you, like William Wilberforce, do not deign to look us in the eye. Or else we will drag you in the mud, humiliate you in public and disgrace you, like Dogs we will check your hair for worms in public, then, slaughter you and display your body for all to gloat over, something we never do for our own (western criminals) who inspite of their lowly status are still better than you for they have fair looks, were born in the right place and don’t speak with an accent (like all unredeemably bad people do).

The left and right understand this and while they may both quibble over the details they silently agree on the content.

The left imperialist have built an industry, a powerful one to ‘help’ the wretched of the earth rise from the dust, you cannot help people who have learnt to stand by themselves, thus the need to keep them their. The right to enslave us, the left to ‘help’ us.

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