Saturday, April 14, 2007

Americans for Peace Now opposes new legislation toughening Iran sanctions

:: Americans for Peace Now ::

Americans for Peace Now opposes new legislation toughening Iran sanctions.

"APN supports the imposition of targeted U.S. economic sanctions against Iran, but believes strongly that such sanctions should be part of a comprehensive strategy that includes both carrots and sticks," said a letter sent Friday to all Congress members. "Experience in the region demonstrates that sanctions alone are not likely to do the job; what is necessary for an effective policy is to combine sanctions with diplomacy."

Recently proposed legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate "would target not only Iran but all those members of the international community who do not share the U.S. sanctions-only approach," said the letter. "Not only would such a policy likely fail to sway Iran, but it would likely complicate and seriously strain relations with those very nations whose cooperation the U.S. needs in order to craft a comprehensive policy toward Iran policy that can deliver success (e.g., the Europeans, Russia, Japan)."

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee strongly backs both packages, and urged its activists this week to lobby their lawmakers to push through the sanctions. The international community is isolating Iran until it allows greater nuclear transparency.

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