Saturday, April 7, 2007

Iranians behind Sept. 11 attacks: Rudy Giliani

You can't make this stuff up.
April 7, 2007

Giuliani Says Nation at War Requires Him

CHARLESTON, S.C., April 6 — As Rudolph W. Giuliani introduced himself to primary voters this week, he rarely talked about the details of New York’s darkest day.

But Sept. 11 was a constant backdrop, and as Mr. Giuliani promoted his vision of a forceful foreign policy that calls for the United States to continue slugging it out in Iraq, he let his audiences know that his was an outlook forged by fire.

“What they say in Washington is not going to affect the fact that there are terrorists around the world that are planning to come here and kill us,” he said in Iowa, in the most spirited part of his newly honed stump speech.

Pointing his finger and bouncing up and down on his toes, he declared, “It is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.”


At a house party in New Hampshire, Mr. Giuliani suggested that it was unclear which was farther along, Iran or North Korea, in the development of a nuclear weapons program.

Asked about his policy toward the North Koreans, he said he backed the administration’s approach, mentioning in particular a Chinese role in efforts to pressure them. “I think the strategy has produced enough results so far that you have to stick with it,” he said.

As for Iran, Mr. Giuliani said that “in the long term,” it might be “more dangerous than Iraq.”

He then casually lumped Iran with Al Qaeda. “Their movement has already displayed more aggressive tendencies by coming here and killing us,” he said.

Mr. Giuliani was asked in an interview to clarify that, inasmuch as Iran had no connection to the Sept. 11 attacks. Further, most of its people are Shiites, whereas Al Qaeda is an organization of Sunnis.

“They have a similar objective,” he replied, “in their anger at the modern world.”


Post American said...

Jesus Christ drifting throught the easter egg car bombs! The only terrorist who followed us home from the last Iraq war was Lee Harvey Mc Veigh! If we don't fight the islamofascists in Iraq that attacked us on Nine Eleven we will have to fight them in Baltimore?

Anonymous said...

Pointing his finger and bouncing up and down on his toes, he declared, “It is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.”

I'm sure it is Rudy ....

Anonymous said...

“It is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.”

Yeah I'll bet you do. We are screwed if this guy gets elected president. RON PAUL in '08!

Anonymous said...

Ha whoops, looks like that quote struck someone else before I posted.

Joe said...

The fact that Bush and the Republicans have been blaming Iraq for September 11 and now when a conclusive Pentagon report is released showing that Iraq had nothing to do with it, Rudy announces that Iran was behind 9/11 reminds me of Orwell’s novel 1984 where Oceana keeps saying “Eurasia is the enemy. Eurasia has always been the enemy” then suddenly announces that Eurasia is their ally and “Eastasia is the enemy. Eastasia has always been the enemy.” Very Orwellian.

Lew Scannon said...

I don't which is more surprising: the fact that a candidate would make this woefully misinformed of a statement (even for a Republican), or that some one from the corporate media would actually call him on it.

Anonymous said...

If Jewliani says so, then it cannot possibly be true.

john mccarthy said...

It would be nice to know what memorabilia Rudy removed from his office in WTC7. How did he know it was going to collapse? What indications did he glean from his staff that his office was soon to be rubble?
Should Rudy get the nod from the repub's these and other questions must be asked without deflection or reservation or evasion. This is the only way to prove this man was not in the loop re 911.

Anonymous said...

He was married to his COUSIN for 14 years, fer chrissakes. We'd be FAR better off electing Jerry Lee Lewis.

Anonymous said...

THe only person we know who was at ground zero - but safe in his planning shelter for 9-11 (WTC) and 7-7 (London Tube) was Guliani (did you see that prune lipped queeer spit swap he laid on his newest hag the other day?) - and of course a couple of Isreali diplomatic pouches, like the one's Argentinian federal police found:

AMDOC - PTECH - MITRE - Israeli componiaes that manage all US civil and secure networks - but Dubai can't manage a port - at least they're taking Halibuton - and those billions in defrauded US tax receipts off our hands!

And the media never talks about radiation hot spots that seem to eminate from US Israeli consulate and embassy offices:

Maybe that explains why Chancelor Jerkoff and the US Necromonger-Congress have decided to hold back on radiation detection appliances:

There's so many lies. The problem with low iodine inadequates that lie too much is that they're too stupid to maintain the "construct".

They get caught in their lies all the time!

All crimes we've allowed to be committed - all the Jack-Asses we allow to win office - our country - our future ARE NOTHING - ARE MEANINGLESS - UNTIL WE GET JUSTICE FOR 911. All other issues are meaningless - f*ck these guys - have they forgot they're dealing with breeders whose ancestors carried banners with this warning:

Does life have any meaning in the context of 911 lies. How much longer can we pretend we are still with the living - that we are still Americans - that we are repaying our ancestors and being good custodians.


There is no fear more feared - no pain more painful - no defense against a mob of pissed off American breeders - these dumb-f*cks better know how to f*cking swim - there is no place to hide - they will be had - they will be had hard.

I suggest you ahole necon criminals just surrender now - before it's to late - before our anger destroys any sense of mercy we may have left.

Surrender NOW. Become a states witness - and avoid the fate of Musolini.

THe shot has flown acroos your bough - surrender - surrender now.

Your headstones - your phoney balony memorials will become pigrimage urinals no matter what you do - but what is left of your miserable lives will be a lot less painful (relatively speaking) if you just confess your crimes while mercy is a word retained by our collective.

Humanity Prevails

Anonymous said...

Rudolf "Judy" Giuliani is a notorious closeted cross dressing homosexual. Those in the know laugh at his beard's/minder's pathetic dog & pony show. If he gets the nomination watch for the photos...they are out there! He is as phony as his bad teeth & cosmetic surgery.

Anonymous said...

And about the media and it's complicity in these crimes.

Let's talk about about NBC - owned by General Electric. General Electric makes all those power systems for war planes and war boats and copters. GE also makes them gatling guns - the ones that the war ships and war planes and war copters powered, and maintained under contract, by or through GE turbine sytems.

Those gat's fire 2000 rounds a minute. The slugs are those DU slugs that will bless some of our returning vet and contractor breeders with beautiful young squids who will only be able to communicate by drooling in morse code (God must be an American!)

Those gats that fire those DU bullets (supplied by GE too) are expensive - the real money, however, is in the bullets - at 2000 a minute and a couple of hundred (to a thousand per for the "fat" ones) per bullet (delivered by no bid cost plus haliburton and blackwater contractors) really add up!

Do you really thing a GE powered mass murder machine would ever return from a sortie with any un used ordinance?

Is that air your breathing?

And GE partner in media and fellow "World Dominion" corpropscophant, Microsoft - who, coincindentally owns a piece of a Naval ship shard - and who coincidentally won a reprieve from the necon DOJ when Dubby was presented as queen of the prom and got the keys to our collective soul. Intersesting - Micro$oft accidententally invented some of the best firewall exploits to date with XP SP 2! Hopefull, VIsta, will be able to protect those exploits from our prying eyes - wouldn't want to get the breeders upset!

BTW - Every US Army machine and soldier has a Window CE license (at least). All supplied by GE's MSNBC partner in crime, Micro$oft! In their ship yard one time, Micro$oft tried to replace an AEGIS Sun fire and control system with Windows. When the brass heard - they told M$ to get their sh*t and butts outta there.

Ya see - many of M$ exploit rich components are manufacture in the country that attacked the USS liberty - a country who's US lobby has [again] be caught committing espionage against US - that lobby has given directly or indirectly Necrocongress clerks a MILLION$!

It must be difficult for M$ and GE to maintain the balance, accuracy and informaitive journalism they present on their media through our media infra structure.

CNN - whers the war lords there? Around the time of our "new Pearl Harbor", the director of the foreign editorial policy board at CNN was Robert Kimmit. While immit was director editorial director at CNN - and when near asian hypn-holograms "new pearl harbored" us,he was also the CEO at United Defense. Roberyt Kimmit is now an assistant secretary of the treasury.

THe Kimmit klan don't stop there. The Boss at Abu Gharib was none other than Robert's brother, General Kimmit - who is best remembered for being around other scenes of crimes, like when the CPA lost 10s of Billions in US "C" notes, or like when a bunch of soldiers machined gunned an Iraqi family needed some positive PR, Kimmit said, "if they drive above a certain speed we have to assume they're terrorists".

I thought you just "lead" them a little more when they drove past.

General Kimmit - instead of a court marshal for Abu Gharib - got promoted to a DoD executive suit at the pentagon where, among his many duties, he is rumored to be polishing foreskins trophied from his grand tour at ABu Gharib.

But the Kimmits didn't just come out of the closet. Get this, when Cater made the decision to do a GI Joe Jihad on Iran instead of negotiate for the release of the captured secret police managers at the embassy posing as diplomats, the man who had his ear - when the decision was made - was none other than our Kimmit's brothers' Daddy, ole COlonel Kimmit.

And we know what happened next - Regan - and the biggest most expensive 8 years of Oceanic hate and fear mongering the world has ever known.

ABC - Look heed - the media is an extension of the War Bankers.

Is there any town where you can get a phone company other than ATT - or cable TV from someone other than Time Warner - wait - weren't the phone and cabels systems once - not too long ago - public utilities?

Look at the bright side - prolonged non-nuclear crimes of genocide and theft are certainly more profitible than a nuclear one night stand!

If the muslims and christians' jesus was suffering the cross this easter, the skies would indeed be dark with soot of our brothers and sisters, their children and grandparents being mulched in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

I thought our ancestors had all ready set "noble" cast straight on this. We don't have kings and queens - we have governments.

The job of the government is sewers trains roads schools health and our f*cking well being - not as a servant to the oligarchs that have rotted our brain with the false viagra of consumerism!

It's not about self defense or securing energy - it's only about manipulating and extorting the taxpayer with the fear of the next faux "new pearl harbor", and manipulating the energy market through a risk premium - we have been in an energy glut for two decades. It was about enhancing profits - when the demand for war machines was very low and the demand for energy was ebbing to newer technologies.

It was about the old guard and it's tragic subscription to dark age dominion heresy - like god made them to take care of us. It's the other way around - Mr Fat Cat - you are nothing more than a piece of furniture in a living muesem - you are cultivated by the collective for the pleasure of the collective.

Are you baiting the harvest? Do you really want a vulgar display of our collective force - Mr Fat Cat A-Hole?

The time is at hand. Red pill or green pill?

Carl Baydala said...

I don't know where they get these guys from. There seems to be a never ending stream of them. It is like someone offered them a great big bag of money to spread this crap throughout the land. He is either on the payroll of the Complex or he is cognizant of his native voters in New York. These are the people who like the idea of war in the Middle East, and of Israel being the beneficiary of these wars.

Anonymous said...

Is Iran connected to Al-Queda in the same way Iraq was 'connected' to 9-11/Osama and Al-Queda? Funny how the political lies shift towards Iran when they are about to be attacked with a nuclear device sometime soon. First the Saudi's were blamed (which turned out to be false) then Afghanistan (who was bombed) and then Iraq (which turned out to be lie) and now Iran. Anyone see a pattern emerging here?


O = oil
I = Israel
L - logistics

That's how the new spate of Middle Eastern wars can be summed up. All pushed fowards by their daddy Israel.

KC said...

HAted him when he was MAyor, and hate him morestill now.

He still has not answered the question, WHY was he warned about Bldg 2 coming down and the firefighters werent?

Just another Bill Klinton-esque ( cheating Pig) NeoCon!

BTW Bush Admitted the war was about OIL Why when I point it out to all replicrats, and demopublicans, NOONE Disputes it, but will still say the ARABS DID IT!?
I feel Like I entered the Twilight Zone!

Anonymous said...

[Mr. Giuliani was asked in an interview to clarify that, inasmuch as Iran had no connection to the Sept. 11 attacks. Further, most of its people are Shiites, whereas Al Qaeda is an organization of Sunnis.

“They have a similar objective,” he replied, “in their anger at the modern world.”]

Ah, here begins the New Lie (Iran did it!) to replace the exhausted Old Lie (Iraq did it!) in the courts of the Mainstream Media.