I am writing to express my displeasure at the complete dismissal of Rep. Ron Paul since he is currently placing first in this poll. Why isn't it in the news so people can see that his message resonated with the people who watched the debate? This is biased and discriminatory reporting. Does the media already have their orders as to who they can support? The people deserve to know about all the candidates and without the derisive and sarcastic remarks as if talking about some comic character. It is a real disservice to the American people and is the main reason we keep getting mediocre officials in government who are following their orders from the neo-conservatives and their plan to spread democracy by force if necessary, and ultimately a world empire.
I am writing to express my displeasure at the complete dismissal of Rep. Ron Paul since he is currently placing first in this poll. Why isn't it in the news so people can see that his message resonated with the people who watched the debate? This is biased and discriminatory
reporting. Does the media already have their orders as to who they can support? The people deserve to know about all the candidates and without the derisive and sarcastic remarks as if talking about some comic character. It is a real disservice to the American people and is the main reason we keep getting mediocre officials in government who are following their orders from the neo-conservatives and their plan to spread democracy by force if necessary, and ultimately a world empire.
Yep. The media chooses who we vote for, making those who own the media the bad guys.
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