Monday, January 22, 2007

Carter critic less popular than chicken manure

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Deborah Lipstadt is less popular than Chicken Manure

Deborah Lipstadt is less popular than Chicken Manure

By Curt Maynard

I’ve been saying for awhile that the alleged popularity of many public figures today is more of a chimera than anything else, just today another glaring example presented itself. Hard core Zionist and liar extraordinaire Deborah Lipstadt wrote an article entitled Jimmy Carter’s Jewish Problem that was given prominent space in the Washington Post on Saturday, January 20, 2007.

In reality, Deborah Lipstadt is something of a nonentity, well-known only among Zionist Supremacists in academia and the media and a few holocaust Revisionists, but every now and again the mainstream Zionist media drags her out of well deserved obscurity to write an article about what else, anti-Semitism. On January 20th she set her delusional sights on Jimmy Carter who recently wrote an honest book entitled "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid." Which focused on the influence Zionists enjoy in the American government and media and how that plays directly into the terrorist and apartheid politics embraced by the state of Israel. I won’t dwell on Carter’s book in this piece as it really only emphasizes truths that have been written about by thousands of others long before Carter ever put pen to paper. In fact, Carter could only be said to have arrived at these ideas as a result of “standing on the shoulders of giants” that preceded him.

In any case, Lipstadt’s entire thesis in “Jimmy Carter’s Jewish Problem,” rests on the idea that anything Israel does is justified because, you guessed it, Jews suffered during the holocaust. I’m dead serious. Lipstadt states clearly that Carter’s concise narrative documenting the many crimes against humanity committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians is “unfair,” because Carter doesn’t emphasize the holocaust and how it allegedly affected world Jewry. She writes:
“Carter's book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," while exceptionally sensitive to Palestinian suffering, ignores a legacy of mistreatment, expulsion and murder committed against Jews. It trivializes the murder of Israelis. Now, facing a storm of criticism, he has relied on anti-Semitic stereotypes in defense.

One cannot ignore the Holocaust's impact on Jewish identity and the history of the Middle East conflict. When an Ahmadinejad or Hamas threatens to destroy Israel, Jews have historical precedent to believe them. Jimmy Carter either does not understand this or considers it irrelevant.”

She then continues by adding that Carter was insensitive because his book only made “two fleeting references to the holocaust.” Well reader, believe it or not, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Winston Churchill, and Charles de Gaulle are all guilty of insensitivity too, as not one of them bothered to leave a single reference whatsoever to the holocaust in their extensive memoirs, but don’t expect Lipstadt to mention this fact, it might knock some of the outrage out of her sails or worse, alert her readers to the fact that the aforementioned never even bothered to mentioned this allegedly “well documented” event, in their own war time diaries.

The funniest thing about the Post dragging Deborah Lipstadt out of the bowels of Emory University to write this article about Carter is that nobody has heard of her, she only becomes a “somebody” when the Zionists need her to excoriate someone for holocaust skepticism or accurately and honestly exposing the subversive behavior of some Zionist liar that screwed up badly enough to get caught doing whatever it was he or she was doing. How do I know nobody pays attention to Deborah Lipstadt in the real world, despite her prominent position as a holocaust expert in the fantasy world created by our media? Well, allow me to explain. Deborah Lipstadt has had a blogsite for quite sometime now, she uses it to post her missives, and has done so for more than two years. The funny things is, I seem to be it’s only visitor, no matter how often I go there, no matter what time of day, I literally have never seen anyone comment on her articles. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

Believe what you like, but from my humble point of view there are really only two reasons why Lipstadt’s own blog hasn’t attracted enough interest for anyone to comment on any of the essays within. Number one, nobody is visiting her blog, which by the way is supported by a website ranking instrument which has ranked her site as the 2,712,744th most popular site on the Internet, making it even less popular than a Seattle based website devoted to chicken manure which actually ranked in several hundred thousand places in front of Lipstadt’s blog.

My point of course is that nobody knows who Deborah Lipstadt is, and what’s more, nobody cares. Lipstadt only becomes a somebody for those few moments a moron stupid enough to still be reading newspapers scans the article’s headline, although I am anything but well known, and am not a tenured professor, I’m certain that more people will actually read this essay than will read Lipstadt’s latest piece in the Post. The only reason I came across it is that I happen to have google working for me, google sends me anything with the name Deborah Lipstadt attached to it that appears in the news. Trust me, I rarely get anything on her, maybe something every couple of weeks at the most.

The other possibility as to why I never find any comments on Deborah Lipstadt’s blog may be because so few visitors have anything positive to say about her or her essays. I generally send her a few negative comments every couple of weeks, but as yet, she hasn’t posted a single one of my critiques.

Thus, I am left with one or two conclusions at most, she either has no readers, or the readers that do visit her blogsite don’t leave positive comments. Personally, I think it’s a bit of both, with the former being the greater reason.

So what does this tell us? If we are to believe the media, Deborah Lipstadt is a leader in her field, she’s a well respected expert on the holocaust and an advisor to all kinds of important people and groups on the issue of anti-Semitism. Oddly, the very people she smears and accuses of embracing pseudo-scientific approaches to historiography and/or being of no importance whatsoever in the field of holocaust history are far more popular with the Internet surfer than she is. Ernst Zundel, a man doing time at this very moment in a German prison for questioning some very questionable aspects of the OJV [Official Jewish Version] of what happened in Germany during the Second World War is far better known than this trollop [in the untidy and slovenly sense]. A quick check on revealed quickly that some of the most obscure revisionist websites out there are still infinitely more popular than Lipstadt’s blog, which not only suggests that she herself isn’t well known, but her ideas aren’t nearly as well known and/or well received by the public as the media would have you and I believe.

The long and short of it is that Deborah Lipstadt is a nobody - she isn’t well known, she isn’t widely read, despite all of the free and very positive publicity she receives from the media and publishing industry, and therefore she isn’t very important. Personally I think this is the way we should treat her - whenever anyone brings up the name Lipstadt, wave your hand in dismissal, and tell whoever it was that brought up her name that Lipstadt is less relevant than chicken manure and therefore unworthy of any intelligent person’s attention. Bye-bye Lipstadt.
The holocaust purveyors are being exposed - they cannot address the valid questions that revisionists have put forth, because there are no valid answers, only smear and innuendo, nothing more. The holocaust purveyors would love for the public to believe their continuous lie that to address the holocaust skeptics means that one is giving them the credibility they don’t deserve, but isn’t that exactly the case with Deborah Lipstadt, aren’t we told that she’s an expert, that she’s well respected, aren’t we led to believe this by the fact that she is given considerable attention and prominent space in a major American newspaper? But isn’t the truth really that she has been given far too much attention and credibility? I think so, and if you’re thinking properly, you’ll think so too.

With that, I’ll leave the reader with a paragraph from the book “Everything you ever wanted to know about Jews, but were afraid to ask because you thought you’d be called anti-Semitic” by J0hn "Birdman" Bryant, a helluva good guy with special insight into the modern Zionist question:

The establishment Jewish [read Zionist if you prefer] position is, of course, that the revisionists, in addition to being anti-Semitic scumbags and reincarnations of the Devil himself, are of such a low order that their arguments do not deserve to be answered… this is most likely establishment Jewry’s best strategy, since all their attempts to answer the revisionists [in the past] have so far ended in defeat…

P.S. I’m available for any mainstream television interviews, but don’t expect me to apologize for anything I’ve written, because I won’t.

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