Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Fart Tax - What price flatulance?

January 3rd, 2007 at 7:51 am

Moo???? Watch that hand, Miliband!The inimitable Pierre Eliot Trudeau once said that the government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation. The prefab Tony Blair, however, thinks that where the government really belongs is up the rectums of cattle, and who among us would disagree?

Farmers will be told today they could be penalised if they do not stop their flatulent animals farting so much methane gas. The environment secretary, David Miliband, will tell a farming conference in Oxford that agriculture now contributes 7% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions and more than a third of all emissions of methane -one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases…

Tomorrow, I imagine cows all over Great Britain will be getting a stern talking to. Let’s hope they start with Margaret Thatcher.

(Humour, Science, Politics, animals, Canada, Crime, Weird, Allegory)

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