Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Father of the modern conservative movement hints at third party

Richard Viguerie:

The underlying message in this State of the Union Address was directed toward the Democrats: In effect, we can work together--let's make a deal. The underlying message directed toward the conservatives was: You have no place else to go.

Among the other omissions in the President's speech:

  • He did not acknowledge any mistake in pursuing the liberal, big government policies that have driven the Republican Party from power on Capitol Hill.
  • He did not announce any changes in personnel in a conservative direction.
  • He did not announce that he will veto any increase in discretionary spending.
  • He did not call for the downsizing or elimination of any government programs.
  • He did not call for eliminating the corporate welfare shelled out to big business.
  • He did not announce that he will veto any legislation that contains 'earmarks.'
  • He did not launch a serious war on the institutionalized government corruption between big business, their lobbies, Congress, and the Administration.
  • He did not announce any significant initiatives to protect traditional moral values.

Accordingly, conservatives must continue to declare their independence from the Republican Party. We must act as a Third Force in American politics, seeking to draw both major political parties to the Right. Conservative principles and goals take precedence over partisanship. We will support Democrats and Republicans alike when they do the right thing, and oppose Democrats and Republicans alike when they do the wrong thing.

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