Saturday, March 17, 2007

When will hunting season in Israeli killing fields (Palestine) end?

Mar 17, 2007

Palestine: Israeli Killing Fields

By Dr. Elias Akleh

Zionism is a newer name for an ancient racist, expansionist, and imperialist political movement, whose aim was, and still is, the establishment of a strong “Jewish-only” empire (Greater Israel) in the Middle East, which was considered the heart of the ancient world, and the center of all trade.

To accomplish this goal ancient Israelite self-proclaimed “prophets” had introduced false religious beliefs and interpretations of scriptures into Judaism to nationalize the religion, and to misguide the Jews into believing in a prejudiced racist and war-loving god, who favors one group of people over all the rest of his creations, and –as a real estate agent- promised the Jews a piece of land, and promised to protect and to lead their armies to cleanse this promised land (from Nile to Euphrates) from all the heathens (Goyim) through genocide in return he asks them to build him a pathetic temple when he has the whole universe as his house. These false religious beliefs sanctioned theft, murder, torture and exploitation of other people, whom this prejudiced god had allegedly created to be only servants to the Jews.

Unfortunately many Jews – the believers in Judaism from all nations and not just the descendents of Abraham- fell victims to these false religious beliefs, and thus had volunteered themselves and their children, out of religious conviction and duty, to be drafted into armies to inflict mayhem and terror on all other nations in an attempt to actualize this false religious goal. The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 in the heart of the Arab World, and the destructive ruthless genocidal wars against Palestinians and Arabs, consuming the souls of innocent people as well as their own souls, are continuation of their terror campaign towards that goal (Greater Israel).

In ancient times, the Old Testament tells us that “god of Israelites” had instructed their prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as the first king of Israel, and to order him to fulfill god’s wish of annihilating all Philistinian tribes in the Promised Land. Samuel instructed Saul to: “Now go and attack Amalikites (a Philistinian tribe) and utterly destroy all that they have and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (Samuel 15: 1-33). There go Moses’ divine Ten Commandments “You shall not kill” and “You shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions” out of the window. Saul perpetrated the genocide but spared the king “Agag” and the best of the livestock. Samuel, the so-called god’s prophet, hacked king “Agag” into pieces, and informed Saul that god is angry with him since he did not complete the genocide as he was instructed.

Since then genocide of non-Jews (Goyims) had been sanctified as a divine duty. Ancient Palestine was turned into killing fields for the Israelites, who raided all Philistinian tribes burning and leveling their cities, slaughtering every living soul without exception, and killing all their animals. The Old Testament is full of descriptions of these Israeli massacres. The Greater Israel dream was harshly shattered by the Persian and Roman armies, who defeated the Israelites, imprisoned them as slaves, sent them into Diaspora, and forbade them from returning to the Palestine.

For almost two thousand years the majority of the Jews forgot about the ancient Greater Israel dream, and concentrated on integrating themselves into the countries they were living in. During the crusaders campaigns (1095-1291) European Christians, while on their way to Palestine driven by false religious duty to cleanse the Holy Land from “heathens” by the sword, started attacking the Jewish communities because they had crucified Jesus. The Jews found refuge only in the Arabic and Islamic countries. When European Christians liberated Spain from Islamic rule, they forced Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity or face death. Many converted out of fear for their lives, some of whom started rediscovering their Jewish roots just recently, previous American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is just one example. Others left Spain, and along with many European Jews, who were persecuted by Christian Europeans, found refuge only in the Arab and Islamic countries in North Africa and in the Middle East, where they were welcomed, lived peacefully, and flourished. Later on these Jews adopted Zionism and immigrated to the newly established state of Israel.

During the nineteenth century, and after the discovery of oil in the Middle East, there was a fear that the Ottoman Empire “the Sick Man” would regain its power. The decision was made by the “World Power Elite” to topple down the Ottoman Sultan, to divide the empire into smaller weaker states ruled by complicit dictators, and to create the warring state of Israel in the heart of the Arab World to pacify Arab nationalism and to divert their attention away from the policies of their corrupt dictators.

Zionism, then, was created to revive the “Greater Israel” dream. Zionism used anti-Semitism and the Holocaust to instill fear into the Jewish communities in an attempt to drive them to immigrate to Palestine in order to “reclaim” god’s Promised Land, and to establish a safe Jewish-only state (Israel). History shows that Zionists were actually the worst enemies of the Jews and had perpetrated genocidal crimes against them. During early 1940’s there were plans to save European Jewry from the war by evacuating them to either USA or to British colonies. In 1941 and 1942 Germany offered hundreds of thousands of European Jews transit to Spain on the condition to be transported to USA or to British colonies, but not to Palestine, in 1942 British Parliament had a plan to evacuate 500 thousand Jews from Europe to British colonies, and in 1943 Romania offered 70 thousand Jewish refugees of the Transdniestria to leave at the cost of $50 each. Zionist leaders had rejected all these rescue operations and abandoned European Jewry to face their holocaust. (

Zionist leaders, such as Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of Rescue Committee of Jewish Agency, and Stephen Wise, President of American Jewish Congress and leader of American Zionists, had rejected every effort to save European Jewry from the war, and refused to spend one cent on such rescue operations unless the Jews are transferred to Palestine. The attitude of Zionist leaders was represented by Greenbaum’s infamous statement: “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe”.
Instead of saving the Jews Zionists aimed to inflame anti-Semitic feelings to intensify Jewish persecution in the hope to encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine. Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, wrote in his diary (part I, pp. 16): “It is essential that the suffering of Jews become worse … this will assist in realization of our plans… I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth… The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” Zionists had paid money to thugs and sometimes to Jewish religious zealots to attack Jewish communities, especially those in the Arab countries, to vandalize their cemeteries, throw molotov bombs against synagogues, and write hate graffiti on their walls, in order to pressure them to immigrate to Palestine. Israelis are the biggest anti-Semites since they persecute Palestinians, who are also Semitic nation.

Zionists propaganda portraying the Zionist state of Israel as the safest haven for Jews is the greatest hoax perpetrated against Jews, who were living peacefully in Arabic and Islamic countries before the establishment of Israel. In fact Israeli Jews have been facing the greatest physical danger while living in the Zionist Israeli state since they met the Arabic welcoming favors with the savage robbery of Palestine and the theft of important Islamic religious mosques. Since the establishment of Zionist Israel in 1948 its Jewish citizens have been living in a state of perpetual wars, and their every new generation had been turned into war criminals through conscription into the Israeli terrorist army.

Zionist leaders had offered to collaborate with strong Nazi Germany at the beginning of the war by offering the services of Zionist terrorist militias to strengthen German power in the Middle East, for the purpose of receiving jurisdiction over Palestine. David Yisrael, in his book “The Palestinian Problem in German Politics 1889-1945” (Israel: 1947); pp. 315-317, reports that the radical Zionist group “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”, better known as the terrorist “Stern” gang, which later on became the Israeli army, had offered to cooperate with the Nazis in order to maintain and strengthen German power in the Middle East for the hope of receiving jurisdiction over Palestine to establish the Israeli state.

Edwin Black, in his book “The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine”, also talks about Zionist collaboration with the Nazi. On August 7th, 1933, Black reports, Zionist leaders concluded a secret and controversial agreement with the German Third Reich to transfer 60 thousand Jews and $100 million to Jewish Palestine.

The Arab/Israeli conflict serves the interest of the industrial military complexes in the US, UK and to a certain degree in France. They have sold weapons to both sides. To preserve Israel in order to ensure profiting perpetual wars they provided Israel with WMD and supported Israeli government politically and financially. Successive American administrations have become the major supporters of Israeli policies until recently, thanks to the influential power of AIPAC (Israeli lobby), the Israeli interests had become American’s primary interests. Both Republican and Democratic parties support Israel’s actions and policies unconditionally. Criticizing Israel is considered a political suicide as previous President Jimmy Carter put it.

With the unconditional support of the American administration (the global bully and greatest Satan as viewed by the Islamic World) Israeli government had received an open hunting license to, one more time, turn Palestinian territories into killing fields using cruel terrorist methods that surpassed those of the Nazis’.

Worse than Nazism, that was built on the racist social ideology of German supremacy (the superman), Zionism is built on a racist divine ideology of god’s chosen people in god’s promised land. Whereas it is acceptable to debate social ideologies, debating or questioning divine ideologies is considered sacrilege.

Worse than Nazism, for Zionism to establish the pure Jewish-only Greater Israel it was necessary to get rid of all other ethnic groups. This led to genocidal, ethnic cleansing and complete evacuation of Palestinians from their home land. Massacres and complete demolition of total Palestinian towns to terrorize Palestinians into “voluntary” immigrations became the adopted policies of Zionist Israel. Massacres such as Deir Yassin, Kufr Qassem, Qibya, Qana, Sabra & Shatila, Jenin, Rafah, and Beit Hanoun are just few among the hundreds of Israeli massacres against Palestinian civilians. Walid Khalidi, a Palestinian professor, in his book “All that Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied & Depopulated by Israel in 1948” details 400 Palestinian villages that were totally destroyed by Israeli army. Sharon Shai, an Israeli history professor at Tel Aviv University, revealed that the records of the Association of Archeological Survey Department, housed in Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, show that this Archeological Department had approved the razing of about one hundred Palestinian villages within 1948 Israel after their inhabitants were forcefully evacuated. After 1967 war the Department turned its attention to razing Palestinian villages in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights. Now-a-days we have 40 Palestinian towns in the Naqab desert that are unrecognized by Israel and do not receive any civil services although their inhabitants pay taxes. These towns are considered illegal by Israeli government, who has plans to demolish them all. Last Friday March 9th. military bulldozers, under the protection of the Israeli troops, had demolished the whole town of At-Taweel one home after the other as a first step in demolishing the rest of the 40 towns.

Worse than the Nazis Israeli terrorist troops conduct daily raids, mostly after midnights, on Palestinian cities and towns using tanks and armored military carriers. They raid civilian homes, destroy furniture, loot jewelry and money, terrorize family members, kidnap young men, and finally demolish the home. Demolishing Palestinian civilian homes has become a favorite pass time for the Israeli troops. During the last five years and up to the first of this March the Israeli terrorist forces had demolished 645 public buildings and 72,437 civilian homes belonging to 29,314 extended Palestinian families as reported by Palestinian Health Ministry. During the last week of February 2007 alone the Israeli army had conducted 43 raids throughout the Palestinian cities in the West Bank. Major Palestinian cities such as Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqellya, and Hebron just to name few have been raided by Israeli tanks since the beginning of this March. City infrastructures were destroyed, government institutions were ransacked and burnt, media institutions were raided and their equipments destroyed and confiscated, schools and hospitals were raided and damaged, civilian homes were targeted by tanks, innocent civilians including women and children were gunned down by snipers, and many men – civilians, police and members of Palestinian Parliament- were kidnapped. Fifty five men including six children from Nablus, twenty five from Bethlehem, and about sixty from Hebron were kidnapped in one night.

In Gaza Strip Israeli snipers routinely target Palestinian children playing in the streets. Artillery shells rain unexpectedly on Palestinian neighborhoods. American made Israeli military fighter planes bomb the houses of resistance leaders, alleged missile manufacturing and storage shops, and civilian vehicles inflicting what the Israeli government calls “regrettable collateral damage”.

Israeli government routinely confiscates Palestinian land to build colonies on them and calls them Israeli neighborhoods. This week Al-Birah Palestinian residents were informed by Israeli military that hundreds of acres of their land east of the city will be confiscated to build new Israeli colony. Military bulldozers routinely raze farm lands in Gaza Strip and West Bank destroying crops and carrying fertile soil and palm and olive trees to Israel.

Israel is building an imprisonment wall (730 km long and 8 meters high with an average 50 meters buffer zone) that annexes 47% of the West Bank, totally encircling and imprisoning major Palestinian communities turning them into concentration camps and isolating 361 thousand Palestinians, devastating Palestinian economy, and evacuating 35 thousand Palestinians from their homes.

Israel is destroying Christian and Islamic religious sites and is trying to claim many of as Jewish. Many Islamic mosques and Christian churches had been destroyed and converted to whore houses, nightclubs, restaurants, and even to animal barns. Israel is destroying an important ancient Islamic cemetery (Ma’man Allah) in Jerusalem in order to build so-called museum of tolerance in its place (what an irony). Israeli archeologists have been digging under the Islamic Al-Aqsa mosque since 1967 hoping to uncover their alleged temple, but so far they succeeded only in uncovering more Islamic structures and are trying to hide them. Yofal Baruch, a prominent Israeli archeologist, revealed that Israeli government is destroying and burying all the Islamic archeological sites they had uncovered around Al-Aqsa mosque.

Israel had kidnapped more than 10 thousand Palestinian men, women and children and thrown them into dark dungeons and desert make-shift tent prisons. Newborn babies were born to Palestinian mothers in prison. Prisoners are routinely tortured using unimaginable cruel methods. Many of these methods were exported to American prisons in Iraq such as Abu-Ghraib. It has been revealed that Palestinian prisoners are being used as experimental subjects for new dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Amy Liftat, the pharmaceutical head in the Israeli Health Ministry, had revealed in the Knesset that there is an annual 15% increase in the amounts of “legal permits” granted to conduct more drug experiments on Palestinian prisoners.

Besides the terror of the Israeli Army Palestinian communities are also faced with Israeli colonizers’ terror. These colonizers have been given free hand to inflict all types of terror they can think of against Palestinian farmers and villagers. This terror included armed night raids and burning of farm houses, poisoning Palestinian animals, burning and damaging Palestinian crops and uprooting trees (especially ancient olive trees), releasing waste water into Palestinian area as a form of germ warfare, terrorizing Palestinian children on their way to schools, and many times shooting and killing Palestinian civilians. All these terror tactics are perpetrated under the watchful eyes and protection of the Israeli troops, who would shoot, beat to death, and imprison any Palestinian, who dares to defend himself and his property, accusing them of terrorizing settlers.

The Israeli terror against the Palestinian people is numerous and requires volumes to enumerate.

These Israeli killing fields are sanctioned and legalized by the American unconditional support to Israel. The American administration and Congress had been hijacked by the American Zionist Israeli lobby (AIPAC), who had convinced the Americans that Israeli religious racist interests and American interests are the same when in fact they are definitely not. I heard one American co-worker concludes “there is something so similar between Israel and Al-Qaeda terrorists, which is their certainty that God is on their side”

How is it that the American administration, the self-claimed patron of freedom and democracy, cut down on the vital services to its own tax-paying people, such as proper education, health care especially to its own veterans, helping victims of natural disasters such as Katrina victims, take care of the homeless and poor, and take care of, at least, the American environment, in order to provide terrorist Israel with financial, military, and political support, and thus antagonizing at least half of the world population.

Have I known better, I, as a Palestinian, would have asked the self-proclaimed righteous president Bush to help free the ten thousand Palestinian prisoners (men, women and children), who had been kidnapped by the Israeli army in the middle of the night from their own homes, the same way he helped Israel attack Lebanon last summer in an attempt to free two captured Israeli troops, who were sent as sacrificing lambs into the Lebanese territories to be captured by Hezbollah so that Israelis could use them as an excuse to wage a war they had planned for few months in advanced as Israeli Prime Minister Olmert had revealed recently. The Bush administration had supplied Israel with laser guided bombs to demolish Lebanese infrastructures, and cluster bombs to litter Lebanese fields. Later Bush coerced the UN to send international troops into Southern Lebanon to allegedly protect Israel from Hezbollah. I am sure Bush’s administration would not offer the same help to free Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons, not at least sending UN troops to protect Palestinians from Israeli terror.

How is it that killing civilians by a terrorist group is a grave crime, while the annihilation of a whole nation by (Israeli) government is considered a self-defense? Israel is an occupying force, and thus is violating international laws and many times its own laws. Israel had opposed several UN resolutions, violated human rights, and thus has been condemned numerous times by the international community. Yet with the protection of the American administration the Israelis keep on killing Palestinians.

When will the hunting season in the Israeli killing fields (Palestine) end?

Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a Palestinian descent, born in the town of Beit-Jala and lives in the US. Email: mailto:

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