Tuesday, November 28, 2006

14 Articles of Impeachment for Bush, Cheney

Fourteen rock-solid LEGAL reasons to impeach the dastardly duo. . .

If we are to impeach, we must impeach both Bush and Cheney. It will not do any good for us to impeach Bush and have Cheney take the Oval Office and pick someone just as radical as he is.
It will also not do any good for us to impeach just Cheney and allow Bush to groom John "I'm not knowledgeable" McCain for the 2008 election.

Therefore, we must simultaneously impeach both of them so that the 3rd person in succession, Nancy Pelosi, would become the next President of the United States.
What a ghastly thought!

Let's see, that would take us from israel first to . . . israel first - seamless transition!
Nevertheless, the 14 Articles of impeachment outlined in this Dkos diary are well worth reading, memorizing, and passing on to everyone you know.
Kudos to Eternal Hope!

Posted in Submitted by qrswave on Tue, 2006-11-28 17:52.qrswave's blog add new comment



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